Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm Having a Catharsis

Micheal Vick...the name has so many connotations, images, and emotions associated with it. Yes, Micheal Vick committed crimes against dogs, and yes he paid his debt to society in a federal penitentiary. The cause of the catharsis that I'm having is why its so hard for people to forgive this man's wrong. Vick has served his time and he is entitled to live his life as he sees fit, so why is it so hard for many American who claim to be of a protestant faith to forgive him. Is not forgiveness one of the basic components of many religions. There have been cold blooded killers who have not received this much attention. The way people have responded to Vick you would think dogs are more important than human. Instead of worrying about Vick worry about yourself let he who is without sin cast the first stone. In summary the man has served his time let him live his life.

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